COVID Considerations

Options for herbal supplements one can take if they were fighting virus symptoms:

Fire cider: a tsp at a time, multiple times a day, to warm the body. (If palatable). It is sweet, sour, spicy. Good for anyone who is not sick, or has mild/moderate symptoms.

Elderberry syrup: a tsp at a time, multiple times a day, for mild/moderate symptoms, cough, or respiratory congestion.

Steams. Can go down to 1 tbsp per pot to conserve herbs. Rosemary, cedar, lemon balm, other mints, thyme, oregano, chamomile, and eucalyptus are all options. Mullein is great if you can find it. Make a steaming, very hot bowl of water, and put the herbs into it. Take a towel and lean over the bowl, and cover your head and the bowl with the towel so that you are breathing in the herby, aromatic steam more directly. Breathe deeply and calmly for 10 minutes, or as long as you can stand. Repeat as needed.

Lots of fluids & broths, especially bone broths with lots of aromatic herbs.

Tea blends that are relaxing, & support healthy fever response.

Throat Coat Tea throughout day to keep mucosa moist.

Marshmallow root powder is also good for this, as are things like aloe, okra, chia seeds, oatmeal, etc.

If you/someone can eat okra whole, good. But, if not, chop up the okra in a quart jar with water, & let sit on its side overnight. Drain it in morning, & drink. What you want from the okra is the mucilage. If you have access to powdered marshmallow root, it's the same cold infusion. Place in quart jar on its side overnight, strain in the morning. Drink liberally.

Vitamin C packs to replace electrolytes.

Chest balms rubbed liberally on chest, back, throat (like vicks and similar).

As always, please double check for allergies or drug interactions before any use.