Yellow Dock Extract

Yellow Dock Extract

from $8.00

Yellow Dock Root, whole plant and seed, extract grown and harvested in Bvlbancha, grain free alcohol, distilled water.

Yellow dock is used for pain and swelling and inflammation of nasal passages and the respiratory tract, and as a laxative and tonic. It is also used to treat bacterial infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Yellow dock is also sometimes used to treat intestinal infections, fungal infections, and for arthritis. It is also applied to the skin to stop bleeding and for hemorrhoids. Historically, yellow dock has been used for skin diseases, skin inflammation, a vitamin deficiency called scurvy, obstructive jaundice, and psoriasis with constipation. Yellow dock has anticancer properties, can help to regulate blood sugar, treat anemia, and is an excellent liver support.

Yellow dock tincture does not have a pleasant taste. Mix with honey or a sweetener. For extra blood building, mix with black strap molasses. Bvlbancha collective makes a yellow dock syrup with black strap molasses and raw local honey, only available for local pickup, as the syrup needs to be refrigerated. If interested in Yellow Dock Syrup, please inquire by email.

All of our plant medicines are locally grown in and around Bvlbancha. We only harvest our plant relatives in good relation with the Earth, their spirit, and during their season. Bvlbancha collective members harvest and prepare our medicine collectively. 75% of our medicine goes back to the Indigenous community in and around Bvlbancha, as well as to people in need. Only 25% of our medicines are marked for sale. The sale of those medicines goes to support Indigenous communities locally and through solidarity.

Not Evaluated by the FDA, not intended to diagnose or treat any disease

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