Ways To Help Support Our Black, BIPOC and LGBTQ Relatives in Bvlbancha

  • Housing for trans people experiencing homelessness, organized by House Of Tulip, a Community Land Trust launching in the summer of 2020 to create housing solutions for trans and gender-nonconforming (TGNC) people in Louisiana. 1 in 3 trans people in Louisiana report experiencing homelessness at some point in their life.* With your help, we will break that cycle for good in the New Orleans area: https://www.gofundme.com/f/housing-for-tgnc-people-experiencing-homelessness?utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR3GlyZ5aCku6ebLzjw_yBbgvwzWQWGEWT4wmmeHKHFLvDio1nAbP5b8qGg

  • Donate to Leona Tate Foundation for Change. LTFC is dedicated to preserving, interpreting and disseminating the story of the Civil Rights struggle for equal education in New Orleans, by sharing the story of the three African-American girls who integrated McDonogh #19 in 1960. LTFC seeks to reach people of all ages and ethnicities, with a special emphasis on educating young people about these struggle. Their mission is to promote, improve and enhance racial equality through various avenues of education, and to empower and enrich our communities from a spiritual, multicultural, economical, historical and social perspective. You can donate to LTFC here: https://www.leonatatefoundation.org/?fbclid=IwAR3F_lbWdf3JTyyP3UVFKy03C-zaSCWSDo1oUx1hKnxEsrt7-DUObmXYhVM

  • Women With A Vision: The mission of Women With A Vision is to improve the lives of marginalized women, their families, and communities by addressing the social conditions that hinder their health and well-being. We accomplish this through relentless advocacy, health education, supportive services, and community-based participatory research. You can learn more about WWAV, or donate and support here: https://wwav-no.org/donate/

  • Data for Black Lives is a movement of activists, organizers, and mathematicians committed to the mission of using data science to create concrete and measurable change in the lives of Black people. Since the advent of computing, big data and algorithms have penetrated virtually every aspect of our social and economic lives. These new data systems have tremendous potential to empower communities of color. Tools like statistical modeling, data visualization, and crowd-sourcing, in the right hands, are powerful instruments for fighting bias, building progressive movements, and promoting civic engagement. Learn more and support Data for Black Lives Here: http://d4bl.org/

  • Birthmark Doula Collective: Professional birth companions that provide informational, physical and emotional support to pregnant women and their families before, during, and after labor and birth in Bvlbancha. Birthmark Doula Collective offers Birth Doulas, Breastfeeding Support, Nurse Advocacy, Placenta Encapsulation, and Postpartum Doulas. Learn more and Support Them here: https://www.birthmarkdoulas.com/

  • Community Book Center (CBC) of New Orleans has served as a cultural oasis and gathering space for scholars and storytellers, children, and the cultural community as a whole since 1983. We have loved being a space for the community to convene, to exchange resources and knowledge and purchase books and other items. However, as the only Black-owned bookstore in the city, we find ourselves in a bind. Unfortunately, our local treasure was broken into and vandalized the morning of June 17th, 2020. We were heartbroken to find the register was emptied and the glass facade was broken. This event, combined with the economic loss incurred by COVID-19 (experience by many of us Black brick-and-mortar businesses) has staggered our efforts to revamp CBC to be resilient through this pandemic reality. Show your solidarity by donating funds for repairs and operational support for our beloved bookstore. Please share this and continue to buy books! We are talking bulk orders (i.e. book clubs, school wholesale request and summer reading lists).We appreciate your support. We are thankful to accept any monetary donation to help meet our goal. Free feel to email us at readcbc@gmail.com. You can Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/breakin-and-robbery-at-community-book-center?fbclid=IwAR1_rODaHwfsZu9OS98fdhegzgUlCYR2kj12c4d0QZBmXnKfHGkv5B_LYMQ

  • Southern Solidarity is a grassroots, community-based group of volunteers in solidarity with the unhoused in their quest toward liberation. We organize the delivery of food, medical resources and basic needs directly to the unhoused in the downtown area of New Orleans because the government has not filled this need. We are influenced by anti-imperialist principles and mobilized by a black queer woman. As a group of 30, we organize the daily delivery of food, medical resources, and other basic needs directly to hundreds of unhoused people in the downtown area of New Orleans because the government has failed to meet needs. Southern Solidarity is involved in both direct relief and consciousness raising efforts of members and recipients in our collective struggle for liberation. Some among us are undocumented, formerly incarcerated, unhoused, trans, activists but more importantly, all among us are anti-imperialist. Show your solidarity by donating to help get more supplies to distribute or volunteering for food prep and delivery: https://southernsolidarity.org/

  • Chicory Zine: The powerhouse Black, activist, elementary school teacher, femme herbalist, Nikki Minor, in Bvlbancha: https://linktr.ee/chicoryzine

This list is in no way exhaustive, and will be a running, real time list. Please email us any additional ways to support BIPOC and LGBTQ2S that you would like for us to add at: BvlbanchaCollective@gmail.com

Update (November, 2023): If you identify as a 2spirit or queer Indigenous person, please feel free to connect in with Ida (aronsonlighting@gmail.com) and they can connect you into the organizing they are doing to connect and engage our community! We are building spaces for us to gather and be present!