Other Ways In Which You Can Support Indigenous Peoples in Bvlbancha and Across Turtle Island

Sonia Turley-Landers care after medical emergency: Ms. Sonia is a Mvskoke and Onondaga elder, and one of the head women of the Kvnfvske Ceremonial grounds in Fountain, Florida. She teaches the women of our ceremonial grounds with fierce and undying love, in everything that she does. She is naturally a caretaker for her blood family, her ceremonial family, and so many around her. But now she needs us to help to take care of her! https://gofund.me/ba82e125

Help Tasso Time 2023 produce their cultural event: With our expanding 2nd year event we've had to increase our GoFundMe goal. This funding will cover the honorariums to 14 Indigenous individuals and groups providing demonstrations, grocery costs to feed approximately 200 people over the weekend (and provide elders with meals after the event), and compostable general supplies (the remains of which will be collected and used for Indigenous gardens and farms after the event). https://www.gofundme.com/f/tasso-time-2023

Donate to Imagine Water Works: Since 2012 we’ve advocated for "living with water" and have worked at the intersections of reducing risk from flooding, pollution, and natural hazards, prioritizing those who are systemically forgotten or pushed to the margins. We also knew that the best solutions were multidisciplinary — so we've consistently integrated science, history, identity, and art into our work. We’re reimagining the future through art, science, and human connection. We hold space for intentional conversation, for creativity, and for existing fully as ourselves both in the present and in the future. Our core focus areas are water management, climate justice, and disaster readiness and response. Donate to Imagine Water Works here: https://donorbox.org/imagine-water-works

Help ethnobotanist Linda Black Elk supply food kits together for elders! Tons of nutritious, organic, native-produced food (and some not so good, standard commod stuff) but that’s ok! Dried hominy, cranberry beans, dried veggies, wild rice, maple sugar, osha honey, organic whole milk, lactofermented pickles, dried berries, organic white flour, pork lard, coffee, seeds...the list goes on! Balance in all things! These kits are covering elders in an area over 7000 SQUARE MILES!!! If you want to help, Venmo @lindablackelk or PayPal linda.black.elk@gmail.com More info here: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Flindablackelk%2Fposts%2F3068903626505639&width=500" width="500" height="683" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>

Donate to the NDN Collective COVID-19 Response project: The NDN Collective’s COVID-19 Response Project is designed to provide immediate relief to some of the most underserved communities in the country. NDN’s intent is to quickly distribute resources to frontline organizations, Tribes, and individuals who are providing essential services to Indigenous communities within the next 15-45 days to provide gap resources during this health crisis. More information here: https://ndncollective.org/covid-19/

Stop Standing Rock Power Shut-Offs During the Pandemic: On Standing Rock, many people live in trailers with electric heat. Turning off their power amounts to putting them on the street in sub-freezing temperatures. Tell the McLaughlin City Council that it is not OK to shut off the electricity and put Native people out of their homes in the midst of a health crisis: https://www.lakotalaw.org/our-actions/no-sr-shut-offs

Zuni Pueblo COVID-19 Relief: Mobilizing COVID-19 relief for the Zuni Pueblo. http://www.ashiwi.org/CovidAssistance.html

Camp Red Sleeves, serving unsheltered refugees in Northern New Mexico: See their twitter: @RedSleevesACA: @DooKaHa1 They are: distributing personal hygiene kits, emergency hand washing stations, food, water, and clothing https://www.patreon.com/RedSleevesACA/posts

Navajo Hopi COVID 19 Response Team: An all volunteer grassroots indigenous led group operating on the Navajo and Hopi Reservations.  We are prioritizing the elderly (especially those raising their grandchildren), single parents, and struggling families by helping them buy groceries, water, and health supplies, and by protecting them (and their vulnerable communities) from exposure by engaging volunteers to make the purchases and deliver them to a safe transfer location for the families. Thank you for your grace and patience. https://www.navajohopisolidarity.org/

Taala Hooghan Anti-colonial Direct Action Resource Center: An Indigenous-established, community based and volunteer-run collective dedicated to creatively confronting and overcoming social and environmental injustices in the occupied territories of Flagstaff and surrounding areas. We are restoring and redefining knowledge and information in ways that will be meaningful to our communities. We offer access to independent media, the arts, skill building, and alternative education, with the goal of self-development as well as empowerment for youth and the greater community into action in favor of a more just and sustainable world. http://www.taalahooghan.org/

Help the Navajo Nation during the COVID-19 Pandemic: https://www.abqjournal.com/1442307/how-to-help-coronavirus-on-navajo-nation.html

Support Ryn’s Patreon: Ryn is a member of the Saktce-Uma Ukula- the Red Crawfish Nation, or the United Houma Nation. I am a lifelong artist and crafter, and I'm using those skills to aid my people in a push of cultural revitalization and traditional knowledges and ceremonies for the past few years: https://www.patreon.com/ElapUfe

Donate to the Unist’ot’en Camp: Your contribution ensures that supporters on the land have food and medical supplies, that Unist’ot’en Youth are able to visit their territories, that Wet’suwet’en Elders have the necessary materials on the land to teach traditional hunting, gathering, food processing, language skills, songs, stories and more.  Your monetary contributions enable the Unist’ot’en Clan to stop the pipelines that threaten all of us: http://unistoten.camp/support-us/donate/

Donate to the Unist’ot’en Legal Fund: Legal funds for the Unist’ot’en land defenders are absolutely crucial and a main priority at this time. Please note: This site uses CAD (Canadian currency). Your currency will be exchanged automatically: https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/unistoten2020legalfund/

Donate to Mothers Against Meth Alliance: The mission of the Mothers Against Meth Alliance (M.A.M.A) is to provide competent and compassionate advocacy, community action, media outreach, drug education, and provide rehabilitation resources that reflect the traditions and customs of the Lakota Nakota, and Dakota people for all those affected by Methamphetamine addiction, their families, and their communities. https://www.mothersagainstmeth.org/

Donate to purchase a vehicle for reservation Elderly Meals Program: The Manderson, Pine Ridge Reservation Elderly meals program needs a 4-wheel drive vehicle to pick up elders in the community for daily meals in the poorest county in America with the Oglala Lakota Nation who was commonly known as "The Great Sioux Nation" because of how powerful the tribe was before the genocide and colonization of our lands. Help us raise money to purchase this vehicle to provide basic needs. https://www.gofundme.com/f/lakotavehicle?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link-tip&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet

Donate to Water Protector Legal Collective: Water Protector Legal Collective provides legal support, advocacy, and knowledge sharing for Indigenous centered and guided environmental and climate justice movements.  https://waterprotectorlegal.org/donate/

If there are Indigenous individuals or communities in need of assistance and you would like to add them to this list, please email us at BvlbanchaCollective@gmail.com! Mvto!